Category: New Movements in Christianity

Being cool.

What we need is to make everyone fit and rich and pretty and we’ll attract people to our church. Put on lively music, interesting talks and a general welcoming feel-good factor and we will have a successful, growing church.

We’ll become a popular destination. We will cut out tricky subjects and never discuss problems and above all we will not tell people about the need for repentance. We will even stop talking about the cross.

Eventually, we will talk about Jesus dying as an act of love. However it will not have been necessary because God just loves us. Love Wins see?

But that is NOT the Gospel of Christ. Jesus wasn’t cool. Jesus was executed. His followers were executed one by one.

It has never been cool to be a follower of Jesus. True followers were ridiculed, spat on, persecuted and murdered.

We are not called to be COOL. We are called to be FAITHFUL!

Looking across the Vale of Glamorgan on Brynhi...

Image via Wikipedia


Yes it’s true I have thrown some dirt around at some of the mess the weird and wacky has produced on the fringe of our Christian Experience. However, I don’t want to be negative all the time. I do want to be positive. The Lord hasn’t got his house full yet!

He has one Son and He loved Him so much He wanted a bigger family. So God adopted many, many more children. People have been praying and prophecying a revival for many years in South Wales. Even now, we are pushing for one … how do we achieve it?

More importantly, how do we sustain it?

Yes, OK, it’s not us that does it it is God, but as Spurgeon once said “Pray as if it’s all up to God and work as if it’s all up to you.”


I don’t have any answers here. What do you think we should be doing in order to get where we want to be … in the Middle of a Revival. Indeed, what exactly does a genuine Revival look like? We have seen things in the last few years that have been advertised as such but have not been universally praised. In fact, they have tended to disappear without trace or collapse in scandal.

What happens in a genuine revival?

Let’s get some answers and maybe work through them.

Peter Wagner

Image via Wikipedia

C. Peter Wagner has been called the “Pope” of the New Apostolic Reformation.

Is he leading thousands of Christians away from the Jesus of the Bible?

Is he replacing the Bible with his own apostolic decrees?

Is this another stage in the “great falling away” that Jesus Himself promised would happen before the end?


The Latter Rain heresy was denounced by the American Assemblies of God back in the 1950’s when the anti-trinitarian William Branham was the undisputed leader of the movement. Amongst his disciples there was one very prominent young leader … Paul Cain. More about him in a moment.


Peter Wagner is well known among the Charismatic fringe in the United States, with friends among the Vineyard Movement, Toronto Blessing, Pensecola/Brownsville Outpouring and he even drew Todd Bentley into apostolic alignment in a public ceremony with Masonic overtones just days before Todd’s very public fall from grace over public drunkenness and adultery with an intern, Jessa.

But, never mind, Todd had a quicky divorce from the mother of his children and then had a quicky remarriage with Jessa.

So … that’s OK with God now then?

In any event, Rick Joyner put him straight back in the pulpit to fleece the flock.


So who is Todd Bentley?

You can read about him on Wikipedia. I could speculate wildly about his motivations, his public statements about visiting the third heaven and talking to Abraham and the Apostle Paul. I could wax lyrical about his angelic visitations and how he appears to worship the angels more than Jesus. But that would be speculation.

Lets just deal with facts shall we.

1) A proven serial adulterer. (Jessa was the second intern he had sex with in his marriage.)

2) A proven drunkard.

3) His mentors include Paul Cain and Bob Jones.

So, who are Paul Cain and Bob Jones?

Paul Cain was deeply involved in the latter rain heresy. He has continued to promote those teachings. They have been accepted by many mainstream pentecostal churches to a greater or lesser extent. However, it has become known that Paul is also a practicing homosexual who also has a drink problem.

Bob Jones was the seer in residence for the Kansas City Prophets. He got into some trouble with his church when they found out that he convinced many young women to come to his office for personal prophecy. In order to properly receive the prophecy, the young women had to remove all their clothes. He wasn’t thrown out of the church.

He was just told to keep his head down for a while.

Some mentors huh?

The deeper you look into this, the more troubling it gets. When you start looking into the theology of the latter rain, it starts to get alarming.

Instead of waiting for the return of Jesus to establish His kingdom, we have to do it first. Not only that, if any Christians try to hold to the Bible, they are the first to die. They are part of the old order.

The Kingdom will be established through force of arms. All the warfare imagery isn’t metaphorical. It is literal. The so called seven mountains are to be taken by military force if necessary.

It is Christian Fascism.


But Jesus said “my Kingdom is not of this world, otherwise my people would fight.”

I’ll follow Jesus. Not these false prophets.

Rob Bell


It’s Time.

Having read some previews of Rob Bell’s book “Love Wins” this could well be a defining moment in my own Christian Experience.

Rob Bell is either loved or hated and with good reason. By appealing to younger Christians, he teaches a kind of liberal Christianity with an appeal to the “nice” aspects of God. Universal love and acceptance is the way to go and lets not condemn people for anything!

The Nooma videos have gone round the globe and indeed get shown in many churches, even during the main worship services.


I don’t like him, to be honest … so am I biased?

He comes across as quite arrogant and pleased with himself in those videos.


But what is his message.


Essentially, 2000 years of biblical preaching, teaching and understanding is totally wrong, according to Bell. It appears that he believes that everyone will eventually end up in Heaven. Some will find themselves in Hell for a short time, or longer time, but certainly not forever.


Love wins, see.



I shall have to get a copy of the book and do a critical analysis of what he is actually saying. However, it does look like he has completely abandoned the God of the Bible.

He is essentially saying “Did God really say … ?”

We all know who started that train of thought in the Garden of Eden.


The wider question, however, is why do we need Hero-Preachers in the first place?

Rob Bell has been called a Christian Rock-Star. This kind of idol should have no place in a protestant Christianity that effectively rejected one form of it when the reformation happened. Are we so lacking in confidence in our own walk with the Lord that we need an idol to look up to? Isn’t Jesus enough?



Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church.

Image via Wikipedia

From the Apprising Ministries website:


Quote of the Day: “Before we “shake your hand” in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.” – Rick Warren in a speech to Muslims. This weekend, the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston along with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit will initiate a series of sermons that have been designed to produce an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam. In addition to the sermons, the Sunday school lessons will center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad. Qurans will be placed in the pews next to the Bibles. (Online source)


oh dear … instead of rescuing people from spiritual darkness, are we to follow Rick Warren in promoting Islamic Religion and teaching? Are Christianity and Islam ‘sister’ faiths or are they mutually exclusive? Is only one of them correct and the other completely wrong?

If Christianity is the only true faith, what does that say about Rick Warren’s ecumenicism?


Benny Hinn Training for Ministry Conference. C...

Image via Wikipedia

Have the discernment brigade been wrong about Benny Hinn all along?

The man in a white suit who has crusades all over the world and has an estimated income into his ministry of between $100 Million and $200 Million every year has a large number of critics who spend large amounts of time online and have acres of printed text against him.

From unproven faith healings, the extravagant expenses through to the alleged affair with Paula White, were they all wrong about him?

Whichever Christian TV channel you watch, it is almost inevitable that somewhere in the schedules, you will find “This is Your Day” which televises Benny’s crusades while also interviewing other Christian celebs in the studio. They usually have a book or other product to plug too.

I was surprised to see Benny absolutely slam Todd Bentley last year on his TV show. Who’d have thought it?

So … were they all wrong about Benny?

Let’s be honest … he has a very large income every year into his ministry. No one takes in as much money as Benny from poor African Christians. 😦

tozer quote

Image by ratterrell via Flickr

Pragmatism Goes to Church by A.W. Tozer,

God Tells The Man Who Cares”, from The Best Of A.W. Tozer, 1980, pgs. 254-256

It is not by accident that the philosophy of pragmatism around the turn of the century achieved such wide popularity in the United States. The American temperament was perfect for it, and still is. Pragmatism has a number of facets and can mean various things to various people, but basically it is the doctrine of the utility of truth.

For the pragmatist there are no absolutes; nothing is absolutely good or absolutely true. Truth and morality float on a sea of human experience. If an exhausted swimmer can lay hold of a belief or an ethic, well and good; it may keep him afloat till he can get to shore; then it only encumbers him, so he tosses it away. He feels no responsibility to cherish truth for its own sake. It is there to serve him; he has no obligation to serve it. Truth is to use.

Whatever is useful is true for the user, though for someone else it may not be useful, so not true. The truth of any idea is its ability to produce desirable results. If it can show no such results it is false. That is pragmatism stripped of its jargon.

Now, since practicality is a marked characteristic of the American people they naturally lean strongly toward the philosophy of utility. Whatever will get things done immediately with a maximum of efficiency and a minimum of undesirable side effects must be good. The proof is that it succeeds; no one wants to argue with success.

It is useless to plead for the human soul, to insist that what a man can do is less important than what he is. When there are wars to be won, forests to be cleared, rivers to be harnessed, factories to be built, planets to be visited, the quieter claims of the human spirit are likely to go unregarded. The spectacular drama of successful deeds leaves the beholder breathless. Deeds you can see. Factories, cities, highways, rockets are there in plain sight, and they got there by the practical application of means to ends. So who cares about ideals and character and morals? These things are for poets, nice old ladies and philosophers. Let’s get on with the job.

Now all this has been said, and said better, a few dozen times before, and I would not waste space on it here except that this philosophy of pragmatism has had and is having a powerful influence upon Christianity in the middle years of this century. And whatever touches the faith of Christ immediately becomes a matter of interest to me and, I hope, to my readers also. The nervous compulsion to get things done is found everywhere among us. We are affected by a kind of religious tic, a deep inner necessity to accomplish something that can be seen and photographed and evaluated in terms of size, numbers, speed and distance.

We travel a prodigious number of miles, talk to unbelievably large crowds, publish an astonishing amount of religious literature, collect huge sums of money, build vast numbers of churches and amass staggering debts for our children to pay. Christian leaders compete with each other in the field of impressive statistics, and in so doing often acquire peptic ulcers, have nervous breaks or die of heart attacks while still relatively young. Right here is where the pragmatic philosophy comes into its own.

It asks no embarrassing questions about the wisdom of what we are doing or even about the morality of it. It accepts our chosen ends as right and good and casts about for efficient means and ways to get them accomplished. When it discovers something that works it soon finds a text to justify it, “consecrates” it to the Lord and plunges ahead. Next a magazine article is written about it, then a book, and finally the inventor is granted an honorary degree.

After that any question about the scripturalness of things or even the moral validity of them is completely swept away. You cannot argue with success. The method works; ergo, it must be good. The weakness of all this is its tragic shortsightedness. It never takes the long view of religious activity, indeed it dare not do so, but goes cheerfully on believing that because it works it is both good and true. It is satisfied with present success and shakes off any suggestion that its works may go up in smoke in the day of Christ.

As one fairly familiar with the contemporary religious scene, I say without hesitation that a part, a very large part, of the activities carried on today in evangelical circles are not only influenced by pragmatism but almost completely controlled by it. Religious methodology is geared to it; it appears large in our youth meetings; magazines and books constantly glorify it; conventions are dominated by it; and the whole religious atmosphere is alive with it. What shall we do to break its power over us?

The answer is simple. We must acknowledge the right of Jesus Christ to control the activities of His church. The New Testament contains full instructions, not only about what we are to believe but what we are to do and how we are to go about doing it. Any deviation from those instructions is a denial of the Lordship of Christ. I say the answer is simple, but it is not easy for it requires that we obey God rather than man, and that always brings down the wrath of the religious majority. It is not a question of knowing what to do; we can easily learn that from the Scriptures. It is a question of whether or not we have the courage to do it.

What is Revival?

What is a “Revival”?

What comes to our minds when we think about the word Revival? Is it a word that gives us hope? Or is it a broken promise?

Did God promise a world-wide revival?

Is there such a thing as a glorious end-times revival?